Saturday 20 December 2014

advent 20

Wrapping presents is one of those jobs that starts off all lovely and jolly and festive till you remember it takes about 700 hours to do and starting it at 10pm on Christmas Eve was a really crap idea. 
It has taken me a while to cotton on to this fact. But finally, this year, I decided to change my deadline. When the kids don't want go to bed till after us you kind of realise that Christmas Eve is just a bit late to make a start on the wrap job.
So I moved my goalposts. My new deadline was yesterday - break up from school day. And I'm pleased to inform you that I never miss a deadline. The wrapping is done. Completed. Finito. I can be one of those smug mothers who show off on facebook. If I want. But I don't want. I'll just show off here instead. 

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